Sports have taken over HMS! Not only do we have our annual winter sports, such as boys & girls basketball and boys & girls volleyball, but we also have a host of sporting events taking place early this winter.
At the end of November, we had the Dodge Hunger dodge ball game, in which each grade level collected nonperishable goods and whoever acquired the most got to compete against the teachers in a dodge ball game. This game was organized by Student Council and Ms. Zimmerman.
On December 19, the PBSIS Basketball game will take place. This is organized by Mrs. Arena, and students of all grade levels who have earned good grades and kept good behavior are invited to join in cheering on the boys and girls compete in an epic game!
Upcoming, we have the Jingle Bowl, which is a flag football game in which the students will go up against the teachers. The players will also be cheered on by some cheerleaders. This is mainly organized by Coach R. Thompson, and it sure will be an exciting match!
Let’s hope that the students observing these events will bring the hype and help score their team the win!