Love yourself this Valentine’s Day


Riley Raffensperger, Staff Writer

Valentine’s Day is a day filled with cupids, hearts, and most especially love. Most people celebrate Valentine’s Day by giving gifts to friends and loved ones. But, many people don’t think of themselves on days like this.

Self-love is defined as, regard for one’s well-being and happiness. I define it as thinking and taking care of your body and mind. When it comes to self-love, you should only worry about yourself. You can worry about other people later. When having self-love time, don’t worry about the outside world. Self-love comes in all sizes, big and small. If you want to take a day to yourself and have a spa day? If you take a 15 minute break from school-work to decompress? That’s self-love! With all this in mind, a question may come to mind. What are the benefits of self-love?

Self-love can impact your mental health in a very positive way. It can improve your self-esteem and self-confidence. For example, if you are to take a bit of time to love yourself, it can make you feel more happy, positive, and confident about yourself. When it comes to confidence, you can also become more self-acceptive. You can learn how to learn to love every part of you.

So this Valentine’s Day (or any other day!), make sure to think of yourself as well as others!