The Absolutely Insidious and Utterly Terrifying Truth About Cat Hair

Kylee Vaughn and Gabby Vignola

The drama club students have been busy preparing for their first play of the season: The Absolutely Insidious and Utterly Terrifying Truth About Cat Hair. The first thing we love about this play is the great title. Also, what a great script! The play follows the trials and tribulations of of Brenda as she gets weighed down, burried, consumed by the hair that is falling off  Snowball, her cat. Then when the hair starts getting a mind of its own; that’s when the things really go haywire! On November 18th students performed for their parents. The play was during the day performed on the 19th for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. Two separate casts performed: one made up entirely of 6th and 7th grade students and the other consisted of all 8th grade students that performed in the play. One cast member, 8th grader Bella Diamattia has been in eight musicals and two plays. She has even taken professional lessons.  She thinks the play is strange and very different, especially since there are a lot of Star Wars references. Overall, this play with the mile-long title was definitely interesting and amusing for the students at HMS!