From October 28th through November 1st, Hammonton Middle School participated in Red Ribbon Spirit Week. Red Ribbon is about keeping kids away from drugs; it is one of the largest still-running organizations keeping kids away from drugs. Themes for the week were the following:
- Monday- Be Red-dy for wellness; be kind to your mind and live drug-free: wear red.
- Tuesday- Don’t get mixed up with drugs: mismatched socks, shoes, and/or clothing.
- Wednesday-Team up against drugs: wear a sports shirt/jersey
- Thursday- Drugs are spooky: wear Halloween colors or Shirts (No costumes).
- Friday-Our school chooses to be drug-free: wear your school shirt or colors.
Participating in the spirit week gave positive rewards to those who won! At the end of the day, they had a drawing to communicate to the winners!
For more information on the topic visit!
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