Lately, Taylor Swift has been found emitting 10x the average amount of CO2 per person in less than a year. A man named Jack Sweeney has been tracking the private plane trips made by the famous singer, and let’s say it’s not pretty. Swift has also threatened to press charges on this innocent boy for a harmless act.
Jack Sweeney’s job is to keep track of planes and jets from takeoff to landing. He then puts this information out to the public. Recently he has brought Taylor Swift’s flight habits into light to the people of Twitter. The problem comes when Taylor Swift tells an attorney to threaten legal action for Sweeney’s Stalking and harassment towards her.
All flight records, private or not, are put out for the public. Taylor Swift’s attorney is threatening to sue Jack Sweeney for stalking and harassment. This however, makes no sense, since Jack was simply doing his job, and Taylor Swift just doesn’t want to be held accountable.
When asked about the situation, a local die-hard T-Swivel fan, Julia Gahliger, says, “To leak someone’s flight history seems illegal. In my opinion she is going to do whatever she needs to do to go wherever she needs to go. And it is hard for famous people to drive on streets because of all the people. I think she has a fully justified reason”.
This is a friendly reminder to all Swifties out there: Sometimes your favorite people aren’t always the best and sometimes they will do more harm than good.