Spring Drama 2022: The Little Mermaid Jr!
April 4, 2022
As of Tuesday, March 8th, tryouts for the HMS Spring Musical have begun! have officially begun! This is the time of year to bring out your inner Brad Pitt and start acting!
This spring, 2022, the cast will be performing The Little Mermaid Jr. If you’ve somehow never seen The Little Mermaid, it’s about a rebellious mermaid, Ariel, who is fascinated by life on land- even though she’s forbidden to venture there. However, Ariel falls in love with someone who lives on land and is determined to be with him. Ariel strikes a deal with an evil sea witch named Ursula; if Ariel is able to give her love, Prince Eric, a true love’s kiss before three days has passed, then Ariel will be able to stay human- otherwise, Ariel will belong to Ursula– forever!
Currently, the play will be directed by Mrs. Layne Cochran, choir teacher at HMS, and Ms. Courtney Daniels, the HMS band director, who run the drama program which produces the spring musical. On March 8th and 9th, auditions were held for people who were interested in gaining a role. Prospective actors had 5 minutes to act out one of three dialogue lines and sing a portion of one of three songs. Callbacks, or second round of auditions, will be held on March 15th. Then directors will decide the cast. Every member that received a callback notice will be there. After that, once cast members are chosen they will be required to buy minor things like a specific colored t-shirt or shoes. Then, rehearsals will be held every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school (depending on which role a person has). In addition, it’s also mandatory for cast members to attend “tech week”, a long rehearsal held three times that week. Unfortunately, there are about 70 members that are part of the HMS Drama Academy,- so not everyone will receive a role. Good luck to all those trying out for a part!