Cruising through 8th Grade!
April 10, 2019
Dresses. Suits. Ties. That is what everyone is shopping for, for the 2019 Cruise! Almost every eighth grader is going, and it is our first big dance. Everyone is really excited and waiting for May 17th to arrive. Even with all the excitement, it can be stressful. Between searching for the dress, to finding the right size, it can get really stressful. But on May 17th, the eighth graders will be looking their finest while aboard the Spirit of Philadelphia cruise ship.
For the girls, finding “the” dress in extremely hard. Girls spend so much time, searching and searching for that one dress that makes them feel like a princess. Some great places to get a beautiful dress are places like Macy’s at the Hamilton Mall and The Right Fit Dress in Sewell, NJ. Besides that girls are worried and constantly making sure that they don’t get the same dress as someone else. If you want to make sure that you don’t get the same dress as someone else, check out @hmscruisedresses on Instagram. @hmscruisedresses is used so that you don’t get the same dress as anyone else; that is it.
Guys on the other hand have it a lot easier. All they have to do is find a suit and that’s it. Plus, girls have to spend good amount of time getting ready on cruise night. Between hair and makeup and nails, girls need time. Guys only need to put on their suits, do their hair and their done! Either way, everyone is really excited to look all glamorous for cruise!
May 17th is going to be a night to remember. It’s going to be a night of dancing, laughs, and especially pictures! Everyone is really excited for cruise, and as of April 3rd, there are only 44 days until cruise! Are you ready to have an amazing night?