Teamwork or Bust

November 30, 2016
The Hammonton Hawks have had an amazing season on the field! They have especially shown some amazing teamwork skills. The Hawks’ defensive and offensive tackle, Brock Beebe, grade 8, agrees, saying, “I think our team has had a good season because we are undefeated.” He also said that, “We are better as a team when we all work together,” and “Our coach, Coach Fredrico, supports our team for every move.”
The Hawks demonstrate teamwork in many ways; Brock Beebe saying that his team displayed teamwork by, “picking up everyone’s slack”, and “by offering their time and best effort”.
The Hawks have had a great season this year; teamwork has been their best asset on the field. Next they will move on to the Hammonton High School team, where they will dominate, as well. We wish them the best of luck, good luck boys!
Thank you to the Hammonton Hawks Varsity team! You guys had a great season!