Smiles flood the faces in the halls
As the last yearers of the school cherish it all.
They used to practice lining up, as they do
And now it is finally the time to.
Their parents’ eyes mist over
As the end of the year gets closer.
And they wonder where the time has gone
When each day has dawned.
They themselves begin to wonder
What wing life will take them under.
Choosing classes for their high school career,
As the end draws even further near.
They scribble their names in their books,
A reminder of all they have took.
And think that things have gone way too fast,
And that nothing will really last.
But something such as this is not so sad and trivial,
And that time is not-so deceitful;
To think that everything leads to new feats,
And that high school may be pretty sweet!